Happy Customers

Dorking & District Talking Newspaper was set up in 1987, under the chairmanship of the late Peter Wills. The charity's purpose is to keep blind and partially sighted people in the area in touch with local news and events.

The Dorking & District Talking Newspaper was the very first client of In The Sky IT. In fact, the relationship began long before In The Sky IT was created, since John's parents were founding members. His first role with the charity was selling raffle tickets at the annual listeners Coffee Morning at the age of 5. Since then he has performed just about every voluntary role the charity has.

In The Sky IT provides the following services to DDTN:

Web Mastery: In The Sky IT initially created the DDNT website using the well-known WordPress content Management software and has been responsible for the administration and curation of the platform ever since. In 2022, the site was migrated to new a new hosting provider and the opportunity was taken to conduct a complete security audit and fix the issues that this revealed.

Redeemer is a small Reformed Evangelical congregation located in Chorlton, Sounth Manchester. The church is an active presence in the local community, taking a leading role in the organisation of events like the Christmas Lights Switch-On and the Chorlton Arts Festival

In The Sky IT provides the following services to Redeemer:

Web Mastery: The Redeemer website and email hosting was initially set up using the popular Squarespace service. In The Sky IT then took over the administration and curation of the platform, conducting a complete audit and fixing the problems which were revealed and expanding the site functionality with a blog and webstore.

A/V Production & Streaming: Redeemer stream their sunday worship services online via YouTube and Facebook and then make the sermons available as a podcast from Apple Play, Spotify and Soundcloud. In The Sky IT works with Redeemer to setup and maintain their A/V production equipment and stream the resulting audio and video to the internet each week.

Zoe is a exceptionally talented dance teacher with almost 20 years of performance and teaching experience. She has worked in both film and theatre and can teach a variaty of styles including contemporary, jazz, tap, street dance, and ballet. Zoe currently teaches at the prestigous Stadler Academy in Manchester as well as accepting private clients.

In The Sky IT provides the following services to Zoe:

IT Consultancy: Like any small business owner, Zoe has a number of business processes to handle on a regular basis. In The Sky IT has worked with Zoe to set her up with her own domain anme for email hosting and to provide her with a suite of inexpensive cloud-based tools to replace the manually updated spreadsheets she used to use for bookkeeping and other timeconsuming administrative tasks.